Founded in 1887 in Birmingham, England.
Brady's bag is not only a universal design that transcends trends, but also a unique bag that can never be imitated even today when things are flooded with experience and technology that has been cultivated with excellent "quality", "function" and "durability". Even now, more than 130 years after its founding, all products are manufactured at their own factory in Birmingham, England, by about 30 craftsmen using traditional manual labor.

Harris Tweedis dyed, blended, carded, spun, warped, woven, finished, examined and stamped only in the Scottish Outer Hebrides by local crofters and artisans.
Made of 100% pure new wool,Harris Tweedis warm in winter and cool in summer. It resists water, wear and tear with ease, cleans easily and can be repaired with the simplest of tools.

The "BLACK EDITION" is a limited sales channel model.
Using Brady's classic Italian Limonta drill drop fabric, the brass fittings normally used have all been changed to matt black fittings for a modern and chic impression. The pith name is also specially designed in black and off-white, instead of the usual green and yellow. The five models available are carefully selected models used only for hunting and fishing, which is at the heart of the brand.

この度Bradyは、〈 This is a(n) 〉との初のコラボレーションとして、計3 型のバッグをリリースします。 This is a(n)の代表モデルである"Base Tote"をベースとして特別モデルの受注会を6月8日(土)より全国の限定店舗にて開催致します。This is a special model that we commissioned Brady c...
Brady × nonnative SPECIAL DELIVERY
この度Bradyは、〈 nonnative 〉との初のコラボレーションとして、 ショルダーバッグ、トートバッグ計2 型のバッグをリリースします。 カラーは各素材をワントーンに統一したBLACK。 要所にブライドルレザーを使用し、上品な佇まいを実現。ステッチを敢えてオフホワイトに変更する事で、シンプルな見た目にアクセントが加わりました。 Bradyのアイコンとなっているグ...